Seeks to help communities throughout Virginia to 1) Listen, 2) Support, and 3) Get work done to build wealth through education, marketing, and product development. Plus, it seeds coalitions to foster teaming in the communities of small businesses, attractions, corporations, associations, and agencies to promote existing and emerging economic development efforts. Which create thriving entrepreneurial communities that will accelerate progress for both new and established ventures. The Generation Wealth Initiative assist in aligning resources in communities and regions to highlight opportunities for entrepreneurs, supporting their efforts, and expanding the goodwill they bring to the community.
Wealth & Financial Literacy Training
Fundamental to socio-economic advancement are wealth and financial literacy, plus an understanding that entrepreneurship is essential to family, community, and global wealth. The goal is to support economic development and business regeneration efforts.
AAHAVA directs a Strategic Master Planning process that allows participants to develop sustainable generation wealth strategies for the community and the individual. The Master Plan addresses technical skills development, support for an entrepreneurial mindset for community building, and civic self-sufficiency. The SMP process is a cohort-based activity that consists of seating four groups of ten participants (group areas of concentration are Culture, Health, Education, and Wealth - CHEW), scalable base on the number of participants, and updates that occur annually in cohorts. The SMP discusses ways of capitalizing on business collaboration and supplying mentoring and coaching support. Through the SMP process, their authors endeavor to outline approaches and strengthen optimism for the community’s economic environment. At the same time, they are helping to align and share strategic thinking about building wealth for individuals and the community. Plus deliver a deeper understanding of how cluster economics afford opportunities to the community.
AAHAVA uses the Virtual Community Economic Network, VCEN* - a software platform to apply social enterprise capitalism tenets that benefit marginalized communities and individuals.